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Learning to Play Piano

Reasons why you need to learn the piano


Piano playing is frequently seen as a hobby or a leisure activity, but what many people are unaware of is that it has numerous advantages. You may be wondering what more you may get from learning the piano outside the ability to play a musical instrument. Is learning to play the piano really worth it? Whether you are a beginner or an experienced pianist, learning the piano not only teaches you how to play the piano correctly but also provides you with a plethora of benefits that will improve your entire being. It teaches you a lot of things, not just [...]

Reasons why you need to learn the piano2021-11-29T10:56:33+00:00

What do you need to start learning the piano


Are you one of those piano enthusiasts wanting to learn how to play the piano? You might wonder what it takes to learn the piano and what you need to prepare yourself beforehand. Learning the piano is not as complicated as what people think. It does not require you to start very young like those prodigies who started to learn the instrument before they even started to learn how to speak. There is some information that you might want to be aware of before learning the instrument. These will aid you to maximize your learning and make it more fulfilling.Everyone can [...]

What do you need to start learning the piano2021-09-02T19:11:40+01:00

What do you need to know when taking piano lessons


Are you a piano enthusiast planning to take piano lessons in the future? Are you wondering what you need to know before committing yourself to weekly piano lessons? Learning how to play the piano is not just a temporary hobby that you learn during your summer vacation or just something you take in order to learn how to play your favorite song. Being a piano player can be considered a lifestyle. It can be your regular pastime during weekends, or can be an occasional performance for an event if you plan to become a piano performer. If you are wondering what [...]

What do you need to know when taking piano lessons2021-07-20T14:28:23+01:00

The best piano exercises for beginners


Being a piano beginner, playing on the piano keys can get frustrating when your fingers are not functioning as how you expect them to function. And there are times when you try to play a certain passage and you find it extremely challenging to execute it, it can get annoying and you might tend to end up asking yourself “is piano playing really possible for me?”. Lack of finger dexterity is one of the obstructions for piano learners because they feel that it is the end for them, as it limits their capabilities to play the instrument and hinders them to [...]

The best piano exercises for beginners2021-06-15T06:33:45+01:00

Do I really need to practice scales?


What is scale in music? Why is it important and why do we need to be knowledgeable with it as musicians? Sometimes, there is a tendency for music learners to forget the importance of practicing scales and take them for granted. If you are wondering why practicing the musical scales is essential as a piano learner, you are in the right place because in this article, we will be discussing why learning the musical scales and including them in your daily practice is vital. A musical scale is like the formula of a foundation in creating melodies and harmonies for a [...]

Do I really need to practice scales?2021-05-30T14:46:51+01:00

Can I learn piano on my own?


Are you a piano enthusiast who wants to learn how to play the piano? Are you looking for ways to learn it and wondering if you can learn the instrument on your own? Maybe you have seen advertisements online that promote piano learning on your own through videos or mobile apps. The piano is a very beautiful instrument and being able to play it can give huge amounts of pleasure but learning the piano on your own is not advisable as it will only give unsatisfying results which can cause frustrations. As the internet is conveniently accessible at any time of [...]

Can I learn piano on my own?2021-04-12T09:29:33+01:00

Getting back to piano playing as an adult


Are you one of those piano enthusiasts who got disconnected from their passion because of transitioning to a new and different path for their lives? Old routines of spending time for a hobby like training for a sport or playing an instrument got hindered because of a hectic and busy schedule? Maybe you are thinking there is no way to play the piano again anymore at your age. Do not fret, getting back to playing the instrument as an adult is not impossible at all! You just need to find your passion and know the ways to ignite it up again. [...]

Getting back to piano playing as an adult2021-04-12T09:26:10+01:00

5 Reasons why you need piano lessons as an adult


Are you an adult piano enthusiast planning to take piano lessons? Wondering what else you can get besides learning how to play the instrument? Or are you looking for more reasons to convince yourself to take piano lessons? Besides obtaining a skill, playing the piano has so many benefits that helps improve our entirety as a human being. Reading this article will give you not just information about learning the piano, but also reasons why you should take piano lessons and the benefits that you will get while you are taking it. Body Awareness When you play the piano, you do [...]

5 Reasons why you need piano lessons as an adult2021-03-15T12:24:07+00:00

10 Tips when taking piano lessons as an adult


Adults often think that learning the piano is reserved for younger learners. This notion is incorrect as one can learn how to play the piano at any age provided one has access to excellent education and time to practice. Let this article inspire to start your piano lessons as an adult learner. Discover our 10 tips when taking piano lessons as an adult Learn the Fundamentals of Music Theory When you build a tower as high as Burj Khalifa, you should build it on solid foundation. Learning the piano is akin to building a tower, you also need a good foundation [...]

10 Tips when taking piano lessons as an adult2021-03-10T09:01:59+00:00

The best piano teachers for adult beginners


Looking for a piano teacher as an adult beginner can be daunting experience initially, as you may be lost when it comes to knowing who to trust with your piano education. You might wonder what are the qualities of the best piano teachers and how to spot one. There are a few factors that help qualify a pianist as a fantastic piano teacher and reading this article will hopefully give you a better idea of what to look for. A piano teacher plays an essential role in an adult beginner piano education since his role is to guide his student throughout [...]

The best piano teachers for adult beginners2021-03-10T13:33:25+00:00


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