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Piano practice

Best exercises to improve legato playing


Legato (meaning “tied up” or “tied together” in Italian) is a character of playing notes in a way that the notes will sound smoothly connected with each other. When a legato occurs, a note or several notes will have to retain its sound until a new note is produced so that there is no silence in between the notes. It is what makes melody sound seamless. A succession of notes should be played in legato when it is labeled with a slur, a curved line on top or below the notes, like an arc. Learning how to play legato is a [...]

Best exercises to improve legato playing2021-07-01T06:25:14+01:00

How to improve hand coordination


Hand coordination is the skill to play the piano with fluency especially when playing with both hands. It is also the ability to execute passages proficiently even when your hands play passages that are entirely different from each other. Having excellent hand coordination in playing the piano will not only enable you to play the piano keys proficiently but it will also contribute in learning more advanced pieces efficiently. Sometimes, we will encounter pieces that are challenging to execute because our hand coordination is not enough or well trained. It can sometimes feel frustrating and demotivating, but do not fret because [...]

How to improve hand coordination2021-07-01T06:31:18+01:00

The best piano exercises for beginners


Being a piano beginner, playing on the piano keys can get frustrating when your fingers are not functioning as how you expect them to function. And there are times when you try to play a certain passage and you find it extremely challenging to execute it, it can get annoying and you might tend to end up asking yourself “is piano playing really possible for me?”. Lack of finger dexterity is one of the obstructions for piano learners because they feel that it is the end for them, as it limits their capabilities to play the instrument and hinders them to [...]

The best piano exercises for beginners2021-06-15T06:33:45+01:00

How to improve sound production


Improving your sound production can contribute a lot when it comes to musicality and artistry because being fluent in sound production enables you to deliver the emotions of your music to your listeners. Not all musicians have the ability to produce sound that it can give so much emotions and can also touch people’s feelings. Sound production has a lot of factors when it comes to creating it. It requires a good set of skills and huge amount of understanding how sounds are produced. Making sounds for music varies from each musical instrument. All kinds of instrument are unique and are [...]

How to improve sound production2021-06-10T09:22:48+01:00

How to improve my sight-reading skill?


Sight-reading is the ability to read music upon seeing a piece for the first time. It is useful when you have a new piece to study as you will be able to learn it efficiently. Sight reading enables you to play pieces even though you are not familiar with them and being able to sight read proficiently is like unlocking yourself to a library of countless pieces of music. Sight-reading is one of the skills that every musician will find extremely useful when mastered, it is essential to piano players especially when it comes to accompanying other musicians. Learning how to [...]

How to improve my sight-reading skill?2021-05-25T07:51:29+01:00

How to improve my technical piano skills


What does it take to be an excellent pianist? What are the factors that contribute to becoming a proficient instrumentalist? Are you one of those enthusiasts hoping to become a concert pianist or maybe just wanting to perform inside the walls of your living room with your family as your audience? Probably you are wondering and looking for ways to make your piano playing better. Piano technique is one of the vital factors in becoming a proficient pianist and in this article, we will be discussing how to improve technical piano skills. Regular Practice Learning a skill does not happen overnight. [...]

How to improve my technical piano skills2021-05-14T09:03:48+01:00

How to practice arpeggios efficiently


Arpeggio is a group of notes such as chords broken into a succession played in an ascending or descending order. It is also known as the “broken chord”. Arpeggios are commonly found in almost all piano pieces as chords are what give harmonies to songs and pieces. Being a pianist, learning how to play arpeggios proficiently is a huge advantage especially when you are aiming to learn and master a lot of piano pieces. If you are looking for ways to learn how to execute arpeggios excellently, you have come to the right place. In this article, you will discover how [...]

How to practice arpeggios efficiently2021-05-14T09:03:06+01:00

Do I really need to practice scales?


What is scale in music? Why is it important and why do we need to be knowledgeable with it as musicians? Sometimes, there is a tendency for music learners to forget the importance of practicing scales and take them for granted. If you are wondering why practicing the musical scales is essential as a piano learner, you are in the right place because in this article, we will be discussing why learning the musical scales and including them in your daily practice is vital. A musical scale is like the formula of a foundation in creating melodies and harmonies for a [...]

Do I really need to practice scales?2021-05-30T14:46:51+01:00

Why practise technical exercises?


Have you ever wondered why technical exercises like scales and arpeggios are necessary when it comes to piano playing? You might be wondering why you need to warm up with such exercises before starting to play or perform your pieces. Practicing technical exercises not only prepares you for your practice of the day, but actually prepares you to perform better for all your piano playing. If you are looking for reasons why technical exercises should be included in your daily practice, this article is for you as we will be sharing facts as to the importance of technical exercises. Warm Up [...]

Why practise technical exercises?2021-04-28T15:00:28+01:00

Learning classical piano as an adult


Are you one of those adults who love to listen to classical music? Are you thinking or wanting to learn and eventually play a classical piece on a piano? Some think that performing a classical piece as an adult is impossible unless you were born as a piano prodigy who started learning the instrument even before learning how to speak. This is actually not true. There are countless numbers of classical pieces in the music world and there are pieces that are plausible to learn and play at every level. Learning the piano as an adult is not as difficult as [...]

Learning classical piano as an adult2021-03-19T16:37:31+00:00


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